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PhotoLab Exiftools

PhotoLab-Exiftools is a set of tools for digital pictures

PhotoLab Exiftools is a separate subset of PhotoLab. It's a separated part of Photolab because one need to install external commande line software (JHead and Jpegtran) and it'll be replaced by Gimp's Python-fu when Gimp will be capable of handling EXIF data from a Python-fu.

Version: 2.1.0 changed january 21 2010, author: Raymond Ostertag, License : GNU/GPL.

Languages: english and french.

Type: Python-fu for Gimp-2, tested with Gimp-2.6.6 under Linux and Windows.

Dependencies: JHead et Jpegtran (only for Autorotate) are needed to manipulate EXIF datas. Gimp-2.6 can't do it yet. JHead is available for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. Jpegtran is available for Linux and Windows. Here you can find a Jpegtran Mac OSX binary and 7zip set of Windows binaries to download.

Installation :  Download 7zip or tar.gz archives. Each archive contain a text help file en english. The Python-fu must be copied in the user directory at .gimp-2.6/plug-ins. Under Linux and Mac they must be executables. JHead et Jpegtran should be installed in a system executable directory (PATH parameter) or in the same directory where gimp were launched (bin).

Translation :  A .pot file is available for translators. Download gimp20-photolab.pot translate it and send it back to me in the post Gimpfr mailbox. I'll add it to the supported languages list.

Download :  You can download archives separatly by following the link of the summary below or download all in one in 7zip PhotoLabo-ExifTools- or tar.gz format PhotoLabo-ExifTools-2.1.0.tar.gz


python-fu autorotate dialog A batch work to rotate automatically your photos. The cameras have a orientation sensor who fill the orientation EXIF data. Autorotate apply the command line jhead -autorot to your photos. The photos are rotated be also the EXIF data is updated.

Download Autorotate 7zip Autorotate tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Autorotate



python-fu renamebydate dialog A batch work to rename your photos by adding as prefix the date of the shot. The cameras give the date of the shot in the EXIF datas. RenameByDate apply to your photos the command line jhead -n%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f.

Download RenameByDate 7zip RenameByDate tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Rename by date



python-fu changedate dialog A batch work to correct the shouting date of your photos. The cameras give the date of the shot in the EXIF datas. This is only perfect if the camera's internal date is correctly initialized. ChangeDate apply to your photos the command line jhead -ta+H:M:S and add or substract a delay to the shouting date of your photos.

Download ChangeDate 7zip ChangeDate tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Change date



python-fu synchronize2camera dialog A batch work applying at two sets of photos each taken from an other camera. The photos have been taken at the same time and your wish is to merge them in one single album. To order by date your photos you must synchronize the internal date of the two cameras (with ChangeDate) and then rename the photos by date (with RenameByDate). Synchronize_2Cameras do the both tasks and add a merging task in a new folder. You must set manually the date offset between the internal date of the two cameras.

Download Synchronize_2Cameras 7zip Synchronize_2Cameras tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Synchronize 2 cameras



python-fu autosynchronize2camera dialog AutoSynchronize_2Cameras works like Synchronize_2Cameras excepted it's no more necessary to set manually the date offset between the internal date of the two cameras. Instead you must take two reference photos at the same time with the two cameras. The offset is then automatically calculated from the EXIF datas given by the two cameras.

Download AutoSynchronize_2Cameras 7zip AutoSynchronize_2Cameras tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Synchronize automatically 2 cameras



python-fu stripexif dialog A batch work to strip all unnecessary Exif datas from your photos. Strip_Exif apply to your photos the command line jhead -purejpg.

Download Strip_Exif 7zip Strip_Exif tar.gz Menu location: Filters / PhotoLab / EXIF tools / Strip EXIF
